Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Back from break

So we've been gone for Thanksgiving break and this is the first day back in this class. Over break I was able to work on my section of our final presentation and also finished off the exercises on Globalaria. The game is coming along pretty well. We've found some code for collision detection which we plan on using for the game. I got quite a bit of stuff done which I'm pleased with because I was worried I wasn't going to finish what I wanted.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Almost done with board

So we are almost done with our game board design and we're pretty pleased with the outcome so far. We just have to fiddle with a few of the color flaws and such but we're getting there. Soon we'll finally be able to begin to code our game.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still more game board

Nothing really new going on. We're still trying to get our game board designed. We're nearly there. Once we complete that and the character designs we can start on the hard part of programming the game.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Game board design

We have been working on our initial draft for what we want our game board/platform design of our game to be. We've placed the borders that form the inner maze and we have been adding pictures to it in attempt to make it out to look like a farmer's market. So far it's not looking too bad but of course we still need to finesse the details.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Presentation of Prototype

So we filmed our paper prototype of our game and it seemed to go pretty well. We had some cool drawings and we made some cutouts of all the items we are going to have. We also made up our characters and showed how many points each will be worth and all that. I think we feel pretty good about the game. Hopefully we will have the video up shortly and we can post a link here. Any feedback is going to be appreciated.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So we've nearly completed our paper prototype so we can present it on Thursday. We feel pretty happy with our game so far and we think it has some good potential to be a fun game. We're hoping. We're taking it old school!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paper Prototyping

We have begun to discuss what we are going to do for our paper prototype for our game. It seems like it is going to be really cool and fun. It's creativeness in action. So hopefully we can present it really well because we have a lot of stuff within our game. It's not really a massive amount when you play, but to explain it might be a bit hard. We shall see.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Flash Game

We have been working on our flash games and I finally figured out how to get mine working. It is going pretty good so far, but there are some improvements I need to make. I am still trying to get my bearings on certain aspects of flash design.
Although I was excited because I was able to make my character (which was a bunny) move its head up and down. Reminded me a little bit of Pacman.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Flash gaming

So we are trying to learn how to program flash and it is not going so well. Certain ways of programming flash is easy and other types make no sense at all. But I'm getting the hang of it slowly but surely. I finally got my character in the flash program to move up and down. So we are making progress. Probably the best part so far in getting the flash movie together is using Illustrator to make the different pictures.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Possible ideas

So after reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" I have had a few ideas of what we could base a game around. So far nothing concrete has taken hold, but these are just starting points.
Near the beginning of the book, just as they moved to their new place they were in the grocery store buying food, so I had the idea we could base a game around a grocery store and how well the player can buy organic without spending a lot of money. Sort of the "best deal" kind of thing. Maybe mixing Organic to non-organic and having the player aim at getting a majority of organic. Still working on this.
Another one was the fact that all the traveling and energy experditure it takes to bring food throughout the country so I thought it might be interesting to do some sort of travel style game. Road trip, perhaps. Not too sure exactly where to go with this one but I think it has potential.
Right now that those are the most interesting ideas I've had as of yet.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Game Rules

So we have written our new game rules and we think this should be a great improvement to our game. Hopefully we will get to test it today and see how it works out. I'm counting on the game to be more fast paced and easier to understand. But we shall see.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Game tested!

This blog is a bit overdue but we just had our first test run with a group to see how our game worked out. Overall it was a good test and we learned a lot and came up with some other ideas thatv may improve the gameplay.

Monday, August 31, 2009

First assignment

So i posted my first assignement on my Globalaria page and am hoping that i did it right. We shall see. But, after learning from many past mistakes i saved all my information just in case. Always have a backup I say. Also been thinking more about the rules to our game and I think I have some nice ones which will make our game better.

Favorite Band!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

It's fun to invent

On Thursday my game design group - Team Eighty-6- began our creation of the next best game. And I think we are on track to make it pretty damn good too. We had to use three particular items we recieved and create a game around those items. At times, yes, we got stuck - but Team Eighty-6 always fights through and we conquered. Just have to polish off a few of the edges and we're good to go.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Ever Post

Welcome to my page. Hopefully as time goes on this will be an entertaining place to stop by and browse for a few minutes. That's the plan anyway. And since this is my first post I should probably write something creative here . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maybe later. Be sure to stop by for updates on my projects and all the new ideas I come up with.