Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sigma Tau Delta Conference

Yesterday I had the pleasure to both attend and present papers at the Sigma Tau Delta conference in Knutti. I was in two panels; a fiction panel, and a Postmodern/Modernism panel. There were some very good stories in the first panel. The four of us who presented were all from Shepherd. There are some pretty good writers within the school. i also saw good writers last week when i went to the writer's master class for fiction and poetry which had Ron Rash as a guest.

My second panel dealt with post-modernism/modernism and post-colonialism in novels. I was really impressed by the work and originality students have with a difficult subject like those. I think my paper was the least impressive out of the other 3. I think I had a good idea, but i don't think I had the best written paper. But, what can you do.

Overall it was a great experience and a fun day. Hopefully next year, more students from Shepherd and other colleges submit papers.

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