Tuesday, November 8, 2011


On Saturday night I went to see The Rude Mechanicals production of Shakespeare's Macbeth. I have seen quite a few performances by the Rudes but this one was by far the best. The acting was the best I have seen from the cast, the battle and fights scenes were fantastic, and the entire tone of the play was downright creepy. I know when the cast is good when they can make me cringe in my seat (which does not happen that often).

I did know most of the story of Macbeth before hand, which did make it less confusing as most Shakespeare plays can be to those who are unfamiliar with the events. The play was the longest I've seen the Rudes put on (it was 2 1/2 hours) but the pacing went relatively quick). Overall, I was very impressed by what the Rude Mechanicals were able to do. Great job!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Episode finished

So last week, we filmed the last sketches for the episode. As I had problems gathering people to be extras for the original sketch we had planned, I had to quickly come up with a new sketch that we could film in the allotted time we had schedule. Overall, that sketch came out relatively well, even though I was worried that it was not going to be any good.

With the help of Chris, we edited the project together, adding both opening credits and transitions between sketches. I am very pleased with the overall outcome. It looks (to me) as something that could be shown on Adult Swim. It has the independent look and is only 15 minutes long.

I am looking forward to being able to show it to an audience to see what they think. From the few people who we have shown the sketches have given us a good response. So, hopefully, other people will appreciate the comedy as well.

Now all I have to do is create my presentation board and create my portfolio. I'm hoping that will be less stressful than trying to get the episode filmed.