Thursday, March 4, 2010

Topic: Competitions

During my research for competitive gaming (mainly between classic gamers) I did find this link to GameBattles which is supposed to be the world leader in video game competition. It is part of MLG which is Major League Gaming, which I did not know existed.

The site is built as a type of leaderboard/newsboard, but has a lot of news that has to deal with the teams that are playing. There is even an article, in the XBOX 360 Call of Duty 4: Modern Warefare page about the top group in the league and areas to watch out for while playing them. It is similar to reading a sports report about what one team should be concerned about while playing another.

This type of game play seems to be very intense and there is a counter on the right hand side of the page which is constantly updating the scores on games. I found this very interesting. I am not an avid gamer but I do know people who play all the time but I did not know there was anything this competetive. I am not sure if people win anything in the end, but I guess knowing your one of the best in the world at a game is a reward in it's own.

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