Yesterday was a pretty straight forward day. I spent a majority of the class period writing out what different types of coding I was going to need to know how to do in order to make my game. It was a very helpful exercise to be honest because it helped me to understand what I actually needed to do. Once I wrote it down I realized that there was a lot more coding that I was going to need than I originally thought.
The hardest part of the game I am going to have to code I think will be the collision detection between the characters and the actual "maze" part of the game board. Because Fred (or the enemies) are not going to be able to go outside the designated boundaries I am going to have to code the board in a fashion that keeps them in this space. I don't know if this will be the most difficult but I do think it's going to be the most time consuming.
After this I spent the remaining time planning on re-organizing/formatting the game board. I like the original draft we created last semester but I need to make sure that all the blank spaces are even and that the board is not too crowded. I may have to remove a section of shelves to make more space for the game movement. Hopefully it all goes well.
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13 years ago
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