Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1st Script Finished

I have finished the script for the first episode of the sketch show and am pretty pleased with it. Of course, during the course of filming more than likely things will change (dialogue, plot, etc) but at this moment I think it is pretty solid. I have shown it to quite a few people and have heard good things. I would probably have prefered some more critique but for people who aren't writer's, sometimes they don't know what to look for. As long as it makes sense to them and they find some of it funny I take that as a good sign.

As for my research, I am still looking around for books and articles. There still does not seem to be a lot of books about sketch comedy. But, today I recieved some more interlibrary loan books on SNL and Second City, so hopefully they will have some useful information.

Next thing I plan to do is have a film crew meeting as well as drawing up some storyboards and finding locations (most of those have already been found).

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